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Meet Tom

Video Review

When he came to Westwood Oral Surgery Associates to have his wisdom teeth extracted, Tom was impressed by the engaging staff and the skilled, informative, and caring doctors.

Tom WT desltop
Tom WT desltop

Tom's Story

"My name's Tom. I live in Sewell. I came to this practice to have wisdom teeth extracted. The staff's great. They really engage you and make you feel really important. They relax you and get you ready for what's—what's coming. The doctors here—they are very caring, and they answer all your questions, put you at ease. They definitely know what they're doing and do a great job. Recovery was as predicted by, uh, by the docs. It was up and—up and about very quickly. I've stayed with the practice for almost 30 years. I actually have recommended the practice to several friends and family. They care about you here."

Improved Oral Health and Confidence Starts Here

We look forward to being a part of your journey to a healthier smile, improved confidence, and overall better living.