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Wisdom Teeth Removal in Woodbury Heights, NJ

Between the ages of 17 and 25, third molars, or wisdom teeth, start to appear. Dentists and oral surgeons recommend having this extra set of molars extracted as soon as possible because the average adult mouth does not have enough room to accommodate these extra teeth.

At Westwood Oral Surgery & Dental Implants, Dr. Seeger, Dr. Gleason, and Dr. Inverso are board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeons with years of experience and expertise in wisdom teeth removal. We offer multiple sedation options to further ensure your comfort. If you or a loved one needs wisdom teeth removed, contact us in Woodbury Heights, NJ, to schedule a consultation.

Why Should I Have My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

When wisdom teeth properly align and gum tissue is healthy, it is not necessary to get them removed. However, this is normally not the case because when wisdom teeth grow in, there is not enough room in the mouth. This can cause many health complications as the molars start to push against other teeth, such as problems with your bite, infection, gum disease, cavities, and more.

It is highly recommended that impacted wisdom teeth are extracted as soon as possible. Impacted teeth are stuck beneath the gums. As a result of being unable to properly erupt, this can cause pain, gum disease, cysts or tumors around the tooth, and more. Early removal is recommended to avoid future problems.

Signs & Symptoms of Wisdom Teeth

When wisdom teeth erupt, many people experience pain or pressure, while others may not notice any symptoms. In the event that your wisdom teeth do not cause any discomfort, they could still be damaging other teeth and their roots without your knowledge.

Call our office to schedule an appointment to remove your wisdom teeth if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Pain or pressure in the back of your mouth
  • Red or swollen gums
  • Gums that bleed easily
  • Jaw pain
  • Difficulty opening your mouth fully
  • Persistent bad breath, even after brushing
  • A bad taste in your mouth

It’s important to attend dental appointments on a regular basis. Your general dentist will refer you to an oral surgeon if they identify wisdom teeth that need removal.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Oral Examination

Drs. Seeger, Gleason, and Inverso perform comprehensive oral examinations and carefully review images of the mouth to evaluate the position of the wisdom teeth and create a plan for extraction.

To ensure the patient receives maximum comfort, the type of anesthesia is decided during the oral examination. Oral surgeons have the training, license, and experience to provide a safe and comfortable anesthesia experience.


During the procedure, removal of wisdom teeth is typically performed under local anesthesia, nitrous oxide, or general anesthesia. Once the anesthesia is administered, your surgeon will wait for it to go into full effect. In the case of an erupted wisdom tooth (the tooth is visible through the gums), your surgeon will simply extract it using forceps. If the wisdom tooth is impacted, your surgeon will make an incision directly on the gum tissue for proper access to remove the molar. Sutures will then be placed.


You will rest in the recovery room until the anesthesia wears off and you are ready to go home. We will walk you through the proper care that should take place at home to ensure a smooth recovery.

If you have any questions or concerns at any point during your treatment, please do not hesitate to call our office.

Types of Anesthesia

At Westwood Oral Surgery & Dental Implants, we offer several types of anesthesia and sedation options.

Cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Considering every patient’s surgery plan is different, there is no one flat rate for wisdom teeth extractions. During your first visit, we will provide an estimated cost for your oral surgery. Some of the factors that contribute to this cost include:

  • The complexity of your procedure
  • Choice of anesthesia
  • Your dental/medical insurance

Contact Westwood Oral Surgery & Dental Implants to find out how much your wisdom teeth removal would cost and schedule an appointment today. Our staff will walk you through your payment and financing options, as well as provide you with a cost estimate.

Hear From Wisdom Teeth Removal Patients

These patients can tell you about their firsthand experience undergoing wisdom teeth removal at our office.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I get my wisdom teeth taken out?

To prevent oral health complications from arising, many people get their wisdom teeth removed during their mid-teen years, while the wisdom teeth are still developing. However, it is not restricted to the mid-teen years, as these teeth can be removed at any time. Please contact us to schedule a consultation.

What is recovery like after wisdom teeth removal?

Upon discharge, we will give you a postoperative kit, which will include instructions, a prescription for pain medication, antibiotics, as well as a follow-up appointment scheduled one week post surgery for suture removal. Most patients will be able to return to normal routine within a day or two after the procedure, however, it is different for everyone. It will take around two weeks for the extraction wounds to heal.

What is a dry socket after tooth extraction?

Dry socket happens when a blood clot forms within a tooth socket and becomes dislodged. This can be quite painful for the patient because the nerves and bone under the socket is exposed. To minimize risk of dry socket, avoid forceful rinsing, use of straws, and smoking after surgery.

Does it hurt to have wisdom teeth removed?

You will not experience pain during the procedure because we use local anesthesia, commonly in combination with IV sedation. When undergoing IV sedation, you will not be aware of the procedure during that time and will have little to no memory of the surgery once the sedation wears off. Placing an ice pack on your face, getting rest, and taking pain medications as directed by your surgeon are all ways you can manage post-operative pain.

Have an Exceptional Patient Experience

Get exceptional oral surgery care from board-certified oral surgeons you can trust. Contact Westwood Oral Surgery & Dental Implants to schedule a consultation.